Resolving Workplace Issues
Under the Respect, Equity and Diversity (RED) Framework (2010), the Respect at Work Policy and the Preventing Work Bullying Guidelines were developed to provide ACT Public Service (ACTPS) employees with information relating to treating others with respect in the workplace and preventing unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment and discrimination. To ensure this guidance remains current and best practice, these documents have been reviewed and updated in 2015.
In their place, the Resolving Workplace Issues resources continue the message of embedding positive work cultures across the ACTPS. These resources focus on the identification and management of inappropriate behaviour at the local level through to more serious allegations of misconduct that are managed under ACTPS Enterprise Agreements.
The resources have been designed according to target audience and the user’s need – this removes the need to read all of the resources. For example:
- If you an employee trying to understand whether an issue you are experiencing is bullying, harassment or discrimination and what to do about it, you would refer to the Resources for Employees and Work Bullying Harassment and Discrimination documents.
- If you are a manager attempting to respond to an allegation of bullying, you would first refer to the Resources for Managers and Supervisors document, and may then also need to look at Work Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination or Misconduct and Investigations.
- If you are not sure what you need or are just after general information, refer first to the Overview, which should help guide you to the most appropriate additional resources.
For advice regarding Resolving Workplace Issues please contact the Professional Standards Unit, CMTEDD at
Resolving Workplace Issues - Resources for Employees (PDF 290 KB) (DOC 59 KB)
Resolving Workplace Issues - Resources for Managers and Supervisors (PDF 350 KB) (DOC 76 KB)
Resolving Workplace Issues - Work Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination (PDF 356 KB) (DOC 178 KB)
Resolving Workplace Issues - Preliminary Assessments (PDF 250 KB) (DOC 58 KB)
Resolving Workplace Issues - Guidelines to the Misconduct Process (PDF 1.1 MB) (DOC 248KB)
Resolving Workplace Issues - Guidelines for Misconduct Appeal Panels (PDF 686 KB)