1 August 2022

Cabinet decision summary for the week of 1 August 2022

Cabinet date: 1 August 2022

ACT Health Services Plan 2022-2030

Minute Number: 21/813/CAB

Cabinet agreed to publish the ACT Health Services Plan 2022-2030.

The main wellbeing impact of the ACT Health Services Plan is improved access to and delivery of health services in the ACT. The implementation of the Plan will have major (direct and sustained) impacts on health services delivery in both the acute and community sectors across the Territory, for example through future infrastructure investments and through the implementation of short-term strategies and actions to improve service delivery.

Gas Transition Communications 2022-23

Minute Number: 22/199/CAB

Cabinet agreed to a communications strategy supporting the public announcement of the gas transition pathway for the ACT, including a position paper for community consultation.

The environment and climate domain is the most closely related wellbeing indicator to the purpose of the Integrated Energy Plan development work. The Living standards domain is also relevant as the project seeks to manage the transition is such a way that consumers are not worse off, but preferably will be better off financially in the long term. The gas transition is anticipated to impact all energy consumers in the ACT over the long term, particularly those who have a natural gas connection.

GWS Giants Performance Partnership Agreement

Minute Number: 22/341/CAB

Cabinet agreed to a ten-year agreement with the GWS Giants club, spanning seasons 2023-2032, inclusive.

The GWS Giants will have a positive impact on the economy by creating economic activity through the delivery and hosting of locally based Australian Football League (AFL), both men’s and women’s, sporting content. Home games played in the ACT deliver broader economic benefits to the Territory through direct employment, match day related activity, community development activities and tourism.

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2022-2023 and Appropriation Bill 2022-2023

Minute Number: 22/372/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Treasurer present the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2022‑2023 and Appropriation Bill 2022-2023 in the ACT Legislative  Assembly.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Wellbeing Impact Assessment was required for this item.

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022 – Agreement to introduce

Minute Number: 22/400/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction present the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022 in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

The Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022 will positively impact wellbeing in relation to the environment and climate and improvement in living standards. The changes will assist the Territory to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas use across the entire Territory. By establishing a mechanism that, through subsequent regulation, can prevent new fossil gas connections, emissions from fossil gas use within the Territory will be constrained. This action will help to underpin the Territory’s commitment to phasing out the use of fossil fuel gas by 2045.

Gas Transition – Final Utility Impact Statement and Updated Financial Analysis

Minute Number: 22/430/CAB

Cabinet agreed to a Utility Impact Statement, which provides advice to the ACT electricity distributor, Evoenergy, on the implications of the gas transition pathway for the ACT in relation to the electricity and gas networks.

The Environment and climate domain is the most closely related wellbeing indicator to the purpose of the gas transition pathway and Integrated Energy Plan development work. The Living standards domain is also relevant as the project seeks to manage the transition in such a way that consumers are not worse off, but preferably will be better off financially in the long term. The gas transition is anticipated to impact all energy consumers in the ACT, particularly those who have connection to the gas mains network.

Report: Implementation of the Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication Scheme (1 January – 30 June 2022)

Minute Number: 22/436/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction table the Report: Implementation of the Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation Eradication Scheme (1 January – 30 June 2022) in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Wellbeing Impact Assessment was required for this item.

Government Submission to PTCS Inquiry into EV Adoption in the ACT

Minute Number: 22/462/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the ACT Government submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services Inquiry into EV Vehicle Adoption in the ACT.

This submission has wellbeing impacts across the governance and institutions domains including minor impact on community trust in government and on community feeling their voice is heard.

Rural Road Funding – Executive Motion

Minute Number: 22/476/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Minister for Transport and City Services present an Executive Motion regarding Rural Roads funding in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Wellbeing Impact Assessment was required for this item.

Tabling Statement for the Report on the Investigation into the State of the Lakes and Waterways in the ACT

Minute Number: 22/502/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Tabling Statement for the Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and Environment’s report ‘State of the Lakes and Waterways in the ACT’ to be presented in the ACT Legislative Assembly by the Minister for the Environment.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Wellbeing Impact Assessment was required for this item.

Tabling Statement – Public release of the Government’s Response to the Jumbunna Institute’s report ‘Co-Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner for the ACT’

Minute Number: 22/505/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Minister for Human Rights table the Government's Response to the Jumbunna Institute's report 'Co-Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Commissioner for the ACT' in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

The establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner will have wellbeing impacts across the governance and institutions and identity and belonging domains. The Commissioner will have a significantly positive wellbeing impact on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people, their families and the wider community. Establishing the Commissioner will demonstrate the Government’s commitment to engaging the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in decision making processes on issues that directly affect their human rights and cultural and family interests.

ACT Biosecurity Bill 2022

Minute Number: 22/286/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the policy underpinning the proposed Biosecurity legislative framework and agreed to the drafting of the Biosecurity Bill.

The proposed Biosecurity Bill will have an indirect, positive impact across the Environment and climate, Economy, and Social connection domains. The key focus of the Bill is to help prevent animal and plant pests and diseases entering the ACT and, if they do enter, minimise their negative impacts. Accordingly, the main benefit of the proposed Biosecurity Bill is through avoided (and potentially significant) costs and negative impacts on the environment, economy and community.

Wrongful Convictions (Right to Appeal) Bill 2022

Minute Number: 22/67/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the development of a bill to provide a further right to appeal a conviction on the basis of fresh and compelling evidence.

The Wrongful Conviction (Right to Appeal) Bill 2022 will provide a further right to appeal a conviction on the basis of fresh and compelling evidence. The legislative reform will likely have a human rights impact, as the right to appeal is likely to support the right to a fair trial by providing a further avenue for appeal in the event that fresh and compelling evidence becomes available.


Cabinet endorsed the below appointments:

  • ACT Architect Board appointments (Minute Number: 22/402/CAB)

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, Wellbeing Impact Assessments are not required for appointments.