16 May 2022

Cabinet decision summary for the week of 16 May 2022

Cabinet date: 19 May 2022

COVID-19: Funding for Education settings from COVID-19 Response Fund

Minute Number: 22/140/CAB

Cabinet agreed to additional resourcing to meet ongoing costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in education settings.

Additional resourcing will support the return to, and continuation of, on-campus learning in ACT schools as well as effective management of the COVID-19 pandemic across the Education Directorate.

Guiding Best Practice Design and Delivery

Minute Number: 22/221/CAB

Cabinet agreed to commence the transition to Best Practice Design and Delivery guidance for new initiatives with a significant technology or data component.

The proposal will have positive wellbeing impacts across the Governance and Institutions, Access and Connectivity as well as Time domains by supporting government to achieve better service delivery outcomes.

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022

Minute Number: 22/49/CAB

Cabinet agreed to release for public exposure a Consultation Draft of a proposed Discrimination Amendment Bill making a range of amendments to the Discrimination Act 1991.

The Discrimination Amendment Bill will have a positive impact on identity and belonging by continuing public consultation to reform discrimination law to make it apply to more areas of public life, to refine and remove certain exceptions to discrimination law and to introduce a positive duty to eliminate discrimination. The Discrimination Amendment Bill will have a positive impact on anyone with a protected attribute under the Discrimination Act which includes each of the eight specific groups noted in the Wellbeing Impact Assessment.

Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS)

Minute Number: 22/27/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the draft Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy: A Prospectus for Collaboration.

Subject to final intergovernmental agreement, the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) is anticipated to have an indirect and positive impact on the wellbeing of the Canberra community by providing a platform for collaboration between the ACT Government, NSW Government and the Canberra Region Joint Organisation to support economic development across the ACT and Canberra Region. The CREDS reinforces the signatories’ shared commitment to work together to further develop an economically prosperous region, with a high quality of life that is resilient, accessible, and environmentally sustainable.

Single-use plastics – ban of second tranche items

Minute Number: 22/93/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the Plastic Reduction Regulation 2022, Plastic Reduction (Single-use Plastic Products – Special Circumstances) Exemption 2022 and the Plastic Reduction (Single-use Plastic Products) Exemption 2022.

Banning single-use plastic items will have a positive impact on the landscape and biodiversity by contributing to reduced plastic waste, litter and microplastics in the natural and urban environment. Health and wellbeing impacts will be minimised through exemptions.

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark (GLA:D) Program

Minute Number: 22/283/CAB

Cabinet agreed the Minister for Health present a Ministerial Statement on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery and Good Living with Arthritis in Denmark Programs in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, no Wellbeing Impact Assessment was required for this item.


Cabinet endorsed the below appointments:

  • Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Deputy Board Chair appointment (Minute Number: 22/161/CAB)
  • Appointments to the Canberra Region Medical Education Council (Minute Number: 22/239/CAB)
  • Board of Senior Secondary Studies (Minute Number: 22/318/CAB)

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, Wellbeing Impact Assessments are not required for appointments.