18 July 2022

Cabinet decision summary for the week of 18 July 2022

Cabinet date: 20 July 2022

Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility – Policy Approval

Minute Number: 21/613/CAB

The ACT Government noted the consultation undertaken to date on raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility in the ACT and agreed to further work to progress this reform.

Raising the MACR will have positive impacts for the ACT community in relation to outcomes for safety, justice, rights protection, and health and wellbeing.

Towards our Vision for Mental Health in the ACT

Minute Number: 22/33/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the public release of Towards Our Vision: Taking a Strategic Approach to Mental Health and Towards Our Vision: Mental Health Portfolio Action Plan; and the Minister for Mental Health delivering a Ministerial Statement on Towards our Vision in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

The development of the Towards Our Vision suite of documents will have a significant impact on the wellbeing of the community though the promotion of mentally healthy communities, improving the lives of people with mental health concerns and building a stronger mental health system.

Senior Practitioner Amendment Bill 2022 – Agreement to Introduce

Minute Number: 22/38/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the introduction of the Senior Practitioner Amendment Bill 2022 in the ACT Legislative Assembly.

The amendments in the Senior Practitioner Amendment Bill 2022 will positively impact wellbeing in relation to Safety and Human Rights of people who may be subject to restrictive practices.

Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 – Policy Approval

Minute Number: 22/69/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the proposed policy approach to residential tenancy reforms to remove without cause evictions, regulate rent bidding, support the introduction of minimum standards and to clarify that certain garden activities to grow food and compost can be undertaken as minor modifications to the rental property. Cabinet agreed to the release of a public exposure Draft of the Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 to allow for further public consultation on the proposed reforms.

The wellbeing impacts of this Submission include major long term positive impacts in the housing and home domain, minor positive impacts on the health and environment domains and potential short-term and minor negative impacts on the living standards domain for landlords.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner Bill 2022

Minute Number: 22/125/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the public release of the Co-Designing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner for the ACT report, report summary and Government Response; and to the development of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner Bill 2022.

The establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner will have wellbeing impacts across the governance and institutions and identity and belonging domains. The Commissioner will have a significantly positive wellbeing impact on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people, their families and the wider community. Establishing the Commissioner will demonstrate the Government’s commitment to engaging the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in decision making processes on issues that directly affect their human rights and cultural and family interests.

Update on the public transport ticketing system

Minute Number: 22/200/CAB

Cabinet considered options to effectively manage the transition from the ACT’s current public transport ticketing system to the new, upgraded system.

Transport Canberra seeks to continue to deliver high quality services that support the transport and connectivity wellbeing domain, through the effective management of a transition from the current public transport ticketing system to a new system.

ACT Government Fourth Progress Report Responding to the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Minute Number: 22/397/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the public release of the ACT Government Fourth Annual Progress Report on progress in implementing the Recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The wellbeing impacts of this Submission, include: the benefits for Safety of children and young people from implementation of the Royal Commission’s recommendations; and the benefits for Governance and Institutions from both implementation of the recommendations and effective public reporting through the release of the Fourth Annual Progress Report.

Build-to-Rent Prospectus - content

Minute Number: 22/432/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the content of a Build-to-Rent Prospectus, to be released with the 2022-23 Budget. Cabinet also agreed that the Government develop a process for considering market and community housing initiated proposals to deliver an affordable rental component as part of a Build-to-Rent development.

The Build-to-Rent Prospectus will have wellbeing impacts in the housing and home domain. It is designed to encourage investment in Build-to-Rent projects by promoting the benefits of investing in the ACT. It will also provide information on financial incentives the Government will consider to facilitate Build-to-Rent developments with an affordable rental component.

Private Buildings Cladding Remediation – Loan Administration Arrangements

Minute Number: 22/478/CAB

Cabinet agreed key aspects of the Concessional Loan Scheme for Private Buildings Cladding Remediation, to facilitate its establishment.

The Concessional Loan Scheme for Private Buildings Cladding Remediation will assist owners of eligible buildings affected by combustible cladding to address fire safety risks. Up to 2,000 Canberra households will benefit from safer housing by rectifying combustible cladding on their apartment buildings.

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill

Minute Number: 22/061/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the drafting of a Freedom of Information Amendment Bill which will make amendments to the Freedom of Information Act 2016 to allow for more flexibility in administrative processes and enable more efficient processing of access requests.

The Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2022 will introduce amendments to allow more flexibility in administrative processes and enable more efficient processing of information access requests. A more streamlined freedom of information framework supports applicants and respondents to direct resources and time to processes that contribute to fast and fair decision-making. The Bill is intended to facilitate access to government information, and improve outcomes for all individual applicants, government respondents, and review bodies.

Guardianship and Management of Property (Supported Decision-Making) Amendment Bill 2022

Minute Number: 22/063/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the development of a Bill to amend the Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991 to promote supported decision-making and the human rights of people who require support with decision-making.

This decision will have positive impacts in the identity and belonging domain, by promoting and recognising the rights of people to make their own decisions and have their will, preferences and rights respected. This may in turn have positive impacts across the health, housing and home, identity and belonging, and living standards wellbeing domains, as enhanced decision-making support may empower people to take action to improve their wellbeing.

Canberra Hosting Agreement - Australian Masters Games 2025

Minute Number: 22/378/CAB

Cabinet agreed to the Minister for Economic Development finalising an agreement for Canberra to host the Australian Masters Games 2025.

Economy: Hosting the AMG 2025 will provide a strong economic benefit for the city, including interstate and international visitation, local business engagement and spending across the broader tourism and hospitality sector. It will also provide the opportunity to utilise and showcase local sporting infrastructure, skills, knowledge and resources. Participation and supporting sporting activities and events provides a platform of “social connection” for Canberrans and the local community in addition to creating city vibrancy and community pride.


Cabinet endorsed the below appointments:

  • Magistrates Court – Special Magistrate Reappointment (Minute Number: 22/463/CAB)

Under the requirements of the ACT Government Cabinet Handbook, Wellbeing Impact Assessments are not required for appointments.

Cabinet date: 20 July 2022

Reasons for withholding access

Minute number: 22/205/CAB

Open Access - Reason for Withholding Access